
Mauritania- Media professionals at the school of « journalism in national languages in the digital age »

Mauritania- Media professionals at the school of "journalism in national languages in the digital age"

Africaleadnews – (Mauritania) The President of the High Authority of the Press and Audiovisual (HAPA) of Mauritania, Mr. El Housseinou Ould Meddou, chaired this Wednesday in Nouakchott the opening ceremony of a training session on the theme:  » Journalism in National languages in the digital age for around thirty journalists from radio, television, print media from the public and private sectors for a period of three days (from August 02 to 04, 2023).

In his speech at the opening of the meeting, the President of the High Authority for the Press and Audiovisual (the HAPA) Mr. El Housseinou Ould Meddou surrounded by his close collaborators specified that three years ago, on June 21, 2021, the first training session was held at the headquarters of his institution for the benefit of journalists working in National Languages on the theme: National Language Media.

It was an unprecedented experience and a challenge to be taken up, said the president of HAPA, reiterating that his institution is committed to the promotion and development of journalists, and particularly those working in our national languages.

Mr. Houssein Ould Meddou underlined the relevance of the theme with regard to the place occupied by digital technology in our society today, especially in the media.

For the President of HAPA, a responsible and conscious use of digital technology in order to strengthen the capacities of media professionals working in National Languages is fundamental for a better treatment of major issues: citizenship, the consolidation of national unity and the social cohesion, tolerance, the fight against stereotypes, etc.

The President of HAPA indicated that HAPA ensures the preservation of cultural identity and the principles and foundations of national unity.

In this context, he recalled the content of article 8 of law 045 relating to the opening of the audiovisual space which insists, among other things, on the dissemination of pluralistic, fair and true information, respectful of diversity. culture and language of our society.

And the president of the HAPA to say that information is a right for all citizens, and consequently, it must be at the service of all the components of our country, which implies a professional press in national languages.

The President of the High Authority for the Press and Audiovisual Listed the efforts made by the authorities with a view to personalizing the national press, citing by way of illustration: the Public Support Fund for the private press, the Excellence prize in all national languages as well as training sessions at the ENAJM.

This training session took place in the presence of former national language managers at the level of the public media.

These media professionals will follow presentations on « digitalization, a factor in strengthening the journalistic ecosystem », « digital journalism and civic education », and finally « what impact of social networks on journalism in national languages? »

Idy Soumaré (Private correspondence)

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